Engineering Management Selection E.M.S. AG is active throughout Switzerland as a personnel consultant for renowned companies in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, IT, consulting, pharmaceuticals and chemicals, mechanical and plant engineering, as well as structural and civil engineering – also in the public sector. In the past 30 years, E.M.S. AG has successfully filled over 6000 expert and management positions with engineers and IT specialists from all disciplines.
As personnel consultants, we have been concentrating on the task of effectively advising and supporting applicants for expert and management positions with a technical connection since 1987.
An advisor with professional and industry experience accompanies you through the application process, taking time for your questions about the chosen position and the working environment. They will inform you in good time on the chances of your application’s success.
Our expertise and professional competence allow us to objectively assess the compatibility of your skills and experience with the requirements of the position to be filled. We ensure rapid feedback and the greatest possible objectivity.
We treat your application with discretion and only forward them in consultation with you. We will only request references with your consent.
Our consultants work almost exclusively on a contract basis. They know both their clients and the areas of expertise thanks to many years of experience.
Unsolicited applications
You are welcome to contact our consultants if you have any questions about your professional career. They know the job profiles of expert and management positions and will take the time to show you ways to shape your professional future and further develop your potential.
Current job offers for engineers and computer scientists
Why Engineering Management Selection E.M.S. AG?
Our focus is on applicants, both now and in the future. So you can expect more from us than you’re used to. Get to know our company and contact us. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.